3 October – I am presenting at ‘My Evidence: Creating LGBTQI+ Art and Archives‘, IHLIA LGBT Heritage, Amsterdam Public Library, Amsterdam. Organised by Perverse Collections: Building Europe’s Queer and Trans Archives.

Cove Park

In May 2021 I undertook an ‘Experimental Film & Moving Image’ 2021′ residency at Cove Park supported by LUX Scotland and Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival.

For this I was researching public sex and its intersection with disability; the instructions from Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson’s SWAMP (1969); and how bats navigate. This included thinking about various type of recording devices and prosthetics. The residency was research heavy, the text ‘Time Is the Thing a Body Moves Through’ (2019) by T Fleischmann, which was suggested to me by Jamie Crewe. Part of this research was shared during Glasgow International festival with Bonjour a new queer bar and community hub in Glasgow. The research was part of the basis for the moving image work ‘SWAMPS‘ completed in 2022.