As part of Glasgow International I hosted a series of online reading groups in partnership with Bonjour, a profit-sharing, workers’ co-operative queer bar in Saltmarket, central Glasgow.
These communal events were one way to share outcomes from an ongoing body of research into queer public sex and its intersections with disability. In this I explored what queer disabled sex looks like, how people can access intimacy, and the tension between risk and touch. This research also engaged with Nancy Holt and Robert Smithson’s 1971 film, Swamp (especially in relation to gender dynamics and the question of technology as both help and hindrance) as well as the sonic navigation systems of bats. Text looked at included T Fleischmann’s Time is the Thing a Body Moves Through, Anna Zett’s Artificial Gut Feeling, and Mel Baggs In My Language.
Supported by Glasgow International